20 April 2021

1 Army HQ Signal Regiment Delhi Recruitment 2021 | Apply 03 BBR, Washerman Vacancies

1 Army HQ Sig Regt, Signals Enclave, New Delhi-10 invites applications from eligible Indian Citizens for recruitment of BBR and Washerman posts. Apply within 45 days from the date of advertisement in employment news paper dated 17th April 2021 Issue.

Name of Post

Total Vacancies





Age Limit:

✔️ BBR: 18 to 25 years for UR, 18 - 30 years for SC
✔️ Washerman: 18 - 25 years

Pay Scale: Pay Level 1 ₹ 18000 - 56900/-

Educational Qualifications:

✔️ BBR:

(1) Matriculation / 10th class Pass or its equivalent qualification from a recognized board.
(2) Proficiency in Barber / Trade Job.

✔️ Washerman:

(1) Matriculation Pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized board.
(2) Must be able to wash Military / Civilian clothes thoroughly well.
(3) Proficiency in Washerman / Trade Job.

Selection Process:

✔️ Written Test
✔️ Practical Test

How to Apply: Eligible candidates should aply on prescribed format along with attested photo-copies of educational certificates include Mark Sheet, Caste Certificate (for reserved candidate), experience certificate and two self addressed envelopes duly affixed postage stamp of Rs. 5/- so as to reach "1 Army HQ Sig Regt, Signals Enclave, New Delhi - 10" within 45 days. i.e. Last date will be 31/05/2021.

Notification >>

Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2021-04-20T14:28:37Z